Table of Contents


In this project, a light turns on automatically when it gets dark, thanks to a light sensor (LDR). During the day, a solar panel charges a battery. This setup helps save energy and uses sunlight to power the light.

Software Used

Platform Used

This project creates a simple green architecture system that uses a solar panel, a light sensor (LDR), and a battery. During the day, the solar panel charges the battery. When it gets dark, the LDR detects the change in light and automatically turns on a light using the stored battery power. This system helps save energy by using sunlight to power the light at night, promoting sustainability and energy efficiency in buildings. It’s an eco-friendly way to keep areas lit without relying on non-renewable energy sources.

Components Required

  1. Solar Panel: 1
  2. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR): 1
  3. Rechargeable Battery: 1
  4. LED Light: 1
  5. Mini Breadboard: 1
  6. Wires: Several (Male to Male)


  1. Solar Panel:
    • Positive terminal to battery positive to the battery positive).
    • Negative terminal to battery negative.
  2. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR):
    • One terminal to the positive terminal of the battery.
    • Other terminal to the anode of the LED.
  3. Rechargeable Battery:
    • Positive terminal to one terminal of the LDR.
    • Negative terminal to the cathode of the LED and GND.
  4. LED Light:
    • Anode to the terminal of the LDR that is not connected to the battery.
    • Cathode to the negative terminal of the battery (GND).
  5. Mini Breadboard:
    • Used to connect all components together and for prototyping.
  6. Wires (Male to Male):
    • Used for making all the necessary electrical connections between components
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