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This project aims to compare water usage between a bucket and a shower using a YF-S201 flow sensor, an I2C LCD display, and an Arduino. The system measures and displays the amount of water used by each method, helping to determine which consumes more water.

This project uses a YF-S201 flow sensor, an I2C LCD display, and an Arduino to see which uses more water: a bucket or a shower. The flow sensor measures how much water is flowing, and the Arduino calculates the total amount. The I2C LCD display shows the results in real-time. Students can easily switch between measuring water for a bucket or a shower. This helps understand and compare water usage, promoting better water-saving habits.

Components Required

  1. Arduino Board (Arduino Uno) – 1
  2. YF-S201 Flow Sensor – 1
  3. I2C LCD Display (16×2) – 1
  4. Breadboard – 1
  5. Connecting Wires-1012(M-M and M-F)


  1. YF-S201 Flow Sensor
    • Red Wire (VCC): Connect to Arduino 5V
    • Black Wire (GND): Connect to Arduino GND
    • Yellow Wire (Signal): Connect to Arduino digital pin D2
  2. I2C LCD Display
    • GND: Connect to Arduino GND
    • VCC: Connect to Arduino 5V
    • SDA: Connect to Arduino A4
    • SCL: Connect to Arduino A5
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

// Initialize the I2C LCD with I2C address 0x27 and 16x2 display
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

const int flowSensorPin = 2;
const int buttonPin = 3;

volatile int pulseCount = 0;
unsigned long oldTime = 0;

float flowRate = 0.0;
float totalLitersBucket = 0.0;
float totalLitersShower = 0.0;
bool measureBucket = true; // true for bucket, false for shower

void setup() {
  pinMode(flowSensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Enable internal pull-up resistor

  lcd.print("Measuring Bucket");

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(flowSensorPin), pulseCounter, FALLING);


void loop() {
  // Check if the button is pressed
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {
    delay(200); // Debounce delay
    if (measureBucket) {
      measureBucket = false;
      lcd.print("Measuring Shower");
    } else {
      measureBucket = true;
      lcd.print("Measuring Bucket");
    delay(200); // Debounce delay

  if ((millis() - oldTime) > 1000) { // Only process counters once per second
    flowRate = ((1000.0 / (millis() - oldTime)) * pulseCount) / 7.5; // In Liters per minute
    oldTime = millis();
    pulseCount = 0;

    if (measureBucket) {
      totalLitersBucket += flowRate / 60.0; // Convert to liters per second
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Bucket: ");
      lcd.print(" L    ");
    } else {
      totalLitersShower += flowRate / 60.0; // Convert to liters per second
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Shower: ");
      lcd.print(" L    ");

    Serial.print("Flow rate: ");
    Serial.print(" L/min ");
    Serial.print("Total liters bucket: ");
    Serial.print(" L ");
    Serial.print("Total liters shower: ");
    Serial.println(" L");

    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(flowSensorPin), pulseCounter, FALLING);

void pulseCounter() {
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