Table of Contents


The Smart Samaj Paricharak is an innovative IoT-based solution designed to aid municipalities in waste management.It uses an ESP8266, IR sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and servo motor, the system offers real-time monitoring and efficient waste disposal.It uses Blynk cloud features for providing the real time data.When the bin level is full, the ultrasonic sensor sends an alert to the Blynk cloud, notifying municipal authorities to dispatch waste collection from the bin. This ensures timely waste removal, reducing overflow and maintaining cleanliness in public spaces.

The Smart Samaj Paricharak is an IoT-based waste management solution that leverages advanced technologies to help municipalities maintain cleanliness. This system uses  an ESP8266 Module, an IR sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, and a servo motor, all integrated with Blynk 2.0 for efficient monitoring and control.

Components Required:

  1. ESP8266 (Node MCU) – 1
  2. IR Sensor – 1
  3. Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) – 1
  4. Servo Motor – 1
  5. Resistor (10kΩ) – 1
  6. USB Cable – 1
  7. Breadboard and Jumper wires

Components and it’s function

  1. ESP8266: A Wi-Fi-enabled brain that facilitates wireless communication with Blynk 2.0.
  2. Ultrasonic Sensor: Measures the distance to the waste in the bin, determining the fill level.
  3. IR Sensor: Detects the presence and distance of waste to confirm disposal events.
  4. Servo Motor: Control movements, such as opening and closing the bin lid based on sensor inputs.

Pin Connections

  1. ESP8266 (Node MCU) Pins:
    • D2: Servo motor control pin
    • D5: Ultrasonic sensor echo pin
    • D6: Ultrasonic sensor trig pin
    • D7: IR sensor output pin
  2. IR Sensor:
    • VCC: Connect to 3.3V on ESP8266
    • GND: Connect to GND on ESP8266
    • Output: Connect to D7 on ESP8266
  3. Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04):
    • VCC: Connect to 5V (Node MCU provides a 5V pin)
    • GND: Connect to GND on ESP8266
    • Trig: Connect to D6 on ESP8266
    • Echo: Connect to D5 on ESP8266
  4. Servo Motor:
    • Signal: Connect to D2 on ESP8266
    • VCC: Connect to 5V
    • GND: Connect to GND

Blynk 2.0 Features:

Blynk 2.0 offers enhanced features for creating and managing IoT projects. Here’s how to create templates for the Smart Samaj Paricharak:

Creating Templates on Blynk 2.0

  1. Template for Ultrasonic Sensor (Bin Level)
    • Create a New Template: Log into your Blynk 2.0 account and create a new template named “Bin Level Monitor.”
    • Add Data Streams: Add a data stream for the ultrasonic sensor. Set the data stream type to Integer and unit to cm to measure the fill level.
    • Widgets: Add a Gauge widget to display the bin level in real-time. Link this widget to the ultrasonic sensor data stream.
  1. Template for IR Sensor (Waste Detection)
    • Create a New Template: Create another template named “Waste Detection Monitor.”
    • Add Data Streams: Add a data stream for the IR sensor. Set the data stream type to Integer and unit to cm for distance measurement.
    • Widgets: Add a Value Display widget to show the IR sensor readings. Link this widget to the IR sensor data stream.
  1. Template for Servo Motor (Angle Control)
    • Create a New Template: Create a third template named “Servo Angle Control.”
    • Add Data Streams: Add a data stream for the servo motor. Set the data stream type to Integer and unit to degrees to control the servo angle.
    • Widgets: Add a Slider widget to adjust the servo motor angle. Link this widget to the servo motor data stream.


  1. Monitoring: The ultrasonic sensor continuously measures the bin’s fill level and updates the Blynk cloud.
  2. Detection: The IR sensor detects waste presence and distance, for accurate monitoring.
  3. Control: The servo motor’s angle can be controlled through the Blynk app, managing bin lid operations.
  4. Alerts: When the bin is full, the ultrasonic sensor send an alert in the Blynk app, notifying the municipal team to empty the bin.

Benefits for Municipalities:

  • Real-time Monitoring: Municipal workers can monitor bin levels and waste detection in real-time via the Blynk app.
  • Remote Control: Adjust the servo motor and manage bin operations from anywhere.
  • Efficient Waste Collection: Timely alerts ensure bins are emptied before they overflow, maintaining public cleanliness.
  • Data Analysis: Historical data helps optimize waste collection schedules and routes.

The Smart Samaj Paricharak, integrated with Blynk 2.0, offers a comprehensive solution for smart waste management, enhancing operational efficiency and cleanliness in urban areas.

#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "Template ID"
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Template ID"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "Auth Token"

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
char ssid[] = "**********";
char pass[] = "**********";

BlynkTimer timer;

#define echoPin D5
#define trigPin D6
Servo servo;
long duration;
int distance; 
int binLevel=0;

void SMESensor()
  int ir=digitalRead(D7);
    for(int i=0; i<50; i++)
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, 90);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, 0);
void ultrasonic()
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
    duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
    distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; //formula to calculate the distance for ultrasonic sensor
    binLevel=map(distance, 21, 0, 0,100); // ADJUST BIN HEIGHT HERE
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, distance);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, binLevel);
void setup()
  pinMode(D7, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); 
   Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  timer.setInterval(1000L, SMESensor);

void loop() 
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