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Automatic room light control using infrared sensors for presence detection and Bluetooth for remote LED activation.

Smart Room device project uses infrared sensors to turn on the room light when someone enters and off when they leave. It also includes Bluetooth control: sending ‘a’ turns on an LED bulb, and ‘b’ turns it off. This setup makes it easy to manage lighting both automatically and remotely for convenience and energy savings.


  1. Arduino Uno – 1
  2. IR Sensors (e.g., PIR sensors) – 2
  3. Bluetooth Module (e.g., HC-05 or HC-06) – 1
  4. Relay Module – 1
  5. AC Bulb (or Lamp) – 1
  6. Jumper Wires – Several
  7. Breadboard – Optional
  8. Power Supply – For Arduino and relay


Arduino to IR Sensors:

  1. IR Sensor 1:
    • VCC to 5V
    • GND to GND
    • Signal pin to digital pin 2
  2. IR Sensor 2:
    • VCC to 5V
    • GND to GND
    • Signal pin to digital pin 3

Arduino to Bluetooth Module (HC-05/HC-06):

  1. Bluetooth TX to Arduino RX (pin 0)
  2. Bluetooth RX to Arduino TX (pin 1)
  3. Bluetooth VCC to 5V
  4. Bluetooth GND to GND

Arduino to Relay Module:

  1. Relay IN to digital pin 13
  2. Relay VCC to 5V
  3. Relay GND to GND

Relay Module to AC Bulb:

  1. Common (COM) to one terminal of the bulb
  2. Normally Open (NO) to the live wire from the power source
  3. Other terminal of the bulb to neutral wire from the power source
// Include SoftwareSerial library for Bluetooth communication
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Define Bluetooth serial pins
#define bluetoothTx 11  // Arduino digital pin D1 to Bluetooth Rx
#define bluetoothRx 10  // Arduino digital pin D0 to Bluetooth Tx

// Initialize SoftwareSerial object
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(bluetoothTx, bluetoothRx);

// Define IR sensor pins
const int irSensor1 = 3;  // IR sensor 1 connected to digital pin D2
const int irSensor2 = 4;  // IR sensor 2 connected to digital pin D3
const int relayPin = 2;  // Relay pin connected to digital pin D13

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial communication for debugging

  // Set IR sensor pins as inputs
  pinMode(irSensor1, INPUT);
  pinMode(irSensor2, INPUT);

  // Set relay pin as output
  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize Bluetooth communication

void loop() {
  // Check IR sensor inputs
  bool personInside = digitalRead(irSensor1) || digitalRead(irSensor2);

  // If person detected, turn on relay (and hence the bulb)
  if (personInside) {
    digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
    Serial.println("Light ON - Person detected!");
  } else {
    digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
    Serial.println("Light OFF - No person detected.");

  // Check for Bluetooth commands
  if (bluetooth.available() > 0) {
    char command =;
    if (command == 'a') {
      digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); // Turn relay ON (bulb ON)
      Serial.println("Bulb ON - Bluetooth command 'a'");
    } else if (command == 'b') {
      digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);  // Turn relay OFF (bulb OFF)
      Serial.println("Bulb OFF - Bluetooth command 'b'");

  delay(100); // Delay to stabilize readings and prevent rapid serial input checking
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