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The Bluetooth-enabled sign board is an Arduino project that consists of a dot matrix display controlled via Bluetooth. This allows each LED in the dot matrix to be controlled separately. It is an excellent project for Arduino enthusiasts who are exploring unique projects.

Software Used

Hardware Used

Platform Used

The Bluetooth-enabled sign board is an Arduino project featuring a dot matrix display where each LED can be controlled individually via Bluetooth. This wireless control capability enhances convenience and usability. Ideal for Arduino enthusiasts keen on exploring unique interactive applications, the sign board can display diverse patterns and messages, all managed remotely from a smartphone or any other Bluetooth-enabled device. The project utilizes Processing software to facilitate Bluetooth interfacing, enabling users to toggle each LED of the dot matrix display on or off. This versatile sign board finds applications as a customizable notice board in schools, offices, or public spaces. Additionally, it serves as a dynamic display for events, conferences, or exhibitions, offering schedules or directional guidance. Through this project, users can deepen their proficiency in Arduino programming, Bluetooth communication, and LED matrix control, while crafting a practical and adaptable display tool catering to diverse requirements.

Components used in this project are:

  1. Arduino UNO with cable
  2. Dot Matrix Display MAX 7219
  3. Bluetooth Module HC-05
  4. Male to Female jumper wires x 9

Featured Image:

Pin Connections:

Dot Matrix:

  • VCC -> Arduino 5V
  • GND -> Arduino GND
  • DIN -> Arduino digital pin 7
  • CS -> Arduino digital pin 5
  • CLK -> Arduino digital pin 6

Bluetooth HC-05:

  • VCC -> Arduino 5V
  • GND -> Arduino GND
  • TX -> Arduino digital pin 11
  • RX -> Arduino digital pin 10

App Link for Controlling through Mobile:-

After installing the app follow the steps below:

Step 1: Turn ON Bluetooth of the device and pair HC-05. Enter the pairing pin – 1234

Step 2: After successfully paired, open the app and control.

Circuit Diagram:


#include <MaxMatrix.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial library

SoftwareSerial BT(10, 11);  // RX, TX

int DIN = 7;   // DIN pin of MAX7219 module

int CLK = 6;   // CLK pin of MAX7219 module

int CS = 5;    // CS pin of MAX7219 module

int maxInUse = 1;

boolean red = true;

boolean toggle = true;

MaxMatrix m(DIN, CS, CLK, maxInUse);

void setup()


  BT.begin(9600); //start the Bluetooth communication at 9600 baudrate


  // BT.println("Bluetooth working");

  m.init(); // MAX7219 initialization

  m.setIntensity(8); // initial led matrix intensity, 0-15

  m.clear(); // Clears the display


int incoming;

int Y = 0;

int X = 0;

void loop()


  if (BT.available())


    incoming =;


    if (incoming == 0)

      m.clear(); // Clears the display

    else if (incoming == 100)//Check if we should on or off the LED


      if (red == true)

        red = false;

      else if (red == false)

        red = true;

      Serial.print("RED:");  Serial.println(red);


    else if (incoming <= 64)

    { //Calculate where to ON ro OFF the LED

      toggle = true;

      Y = incoming / 8;

      X = incoming - (Y * 8);

      if (incoming % 8 == 0)

        X = 8;
        Y -= 1;

      Serial.println(X - 1);


      if (red == true)

        m.setDot((X - 1), (Y), true); //LED ON

      else if (red == false)

        m.setDot((X - 1), (Y), false); //LED OFF
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